CSH are launching The Green Nursing Challenge - a leadership and engagement programme to support nurses to lead on sustainable healthcare initiatives, and transform nursing care by cutting carbon,…
The UK Health Alliance on Climate ChangeUK Health Alliance on Climate Changerepresents over 1 million people in 49 healthcare organisations, professional bodies and coalitions.
Why should your…
The Planetary Health Report Card is a student-drivenmetric-based tool that aims to evaluate health professional schools on discrete metrics in five main category areas: 1) Curriculum, 2)…
I've been working in the sustainable dental education space and have been asked to propose some competency statements that can apply to all dental school graduates.
I believe that these exist in…
I am a 2ndyear SLT undergraduate and my choice of research project this year is Forest School and the role of the SLT. I am interested in how outdoor therapy could contribute to the sustainability…
How effective is tooth brushing to prevent dental problems? (I'd appreciate help finding the answer rather than I know the answer already!)
Tooth brushing is good for oral health - the WHO says so…
I really love videofluoroscopy. The value of being able to visualise a swallow (instead of making what at times feels like large inferences at bedside) should not be understated.
It is a procedure…
In October 2020, the NHS became the world’s first health service to commit to reaching carbon net zero, in response to the profound and growing threat to health posed by climate change.
We've been…