Warm greetings to all. Please note that this article is posted together with my colleague Dr Manfred Moerchen, who is also part of the network.
CBM is an international NGO working to improve the…
Warm greetings to all. Please note that this article is posted together with my colleague Dr Manfred Moerchen, who is also part of the network.
CBM is an international NGO working to improve the…
Dartford and Gravesham's second Green Ward Competition will be launched on NHS Sustainability Day. With the support of CSH clinical staff, teams will develop their own approaches to resource efficient…
As part of my role as Psychiatry Sustainability Scholar for 2016/17, I have been attached to Brighton and Hove CCG and had the opportunity to gain experience of mental health commissioning on a number…
Thanks to support from theRCGP, GP practices can nowsign up free for the NUS' fantasticGreen Impact for Health programme - developed with support of the Severn Deanery GP Sustainability Scholars in…
This interactive body map summarises how physical inactivity can affect health conditions. https://theconversation.com/interactive-body-map-physical-inactivity-and-the-risks-to-your-health-68157
The Department of Health and eight major health organisations have stated their organisational commitments to deliver a socially and environmentally sustainable health and care system.
I attended an interesting conference recently jointly hosted by the OECD and the King’s Fund on, “Delivering High Value Healthcare” on the 10thJanuary 2017 which followed on from the, “Tackling…
Pre-filled atropine syringes for use in emergency obstetric theatres- introduction at RUH, Bath. We will collect further data as we are convinced this is safer, cheaper and much more sustainable.