
The Carbon Footprint of Hospital Services and Care Pathways

Rosie Hillson
Rosie Hillson • 3 February 2025

Hospital services and care pathways have a large climate impact. Quantifying the carbon footprint and identifying hotspots enables targeted and prioritized mitigation efforts. Even for similar services, the carbon footprint varies considerably between settings, underscoring the necessity of localized studies. The emerging field of health care sustainability research faces substantial methodological heterogeneity, compromising the validity and reproducibility of study results. This review informs future carbon footprint studies by highlighting understudied areas in hospital care and providing guidance for selecting specific services and pathways.

Resource author(s)
Kouwenberg, L.H.J.A.; Cohen, E.S.; Hehenkamp, W.J.K.; Snijder, L.E.; Kampman, J.M.; Küçükkeles, B.; Kourula, A.; Meijers, M.H.C.; Smit, E.S.; Sperna Weiland, N.H.; Kringos, D.S.
Resource publishing organisation(s) or journal
University of Amsterdam
Resource publication date
December 2024

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