NHS Clinical Commissioners have launched a new publication: Delivering a healthier future: How CCGs are leading the way on prevention and early diagnosis.
The report showcases a range of innovative case studies from across the country, which demonstrate the difference that clinically led commissioning is making, with the projects featured only made possible through the influence, expertise and local knowledge brought by frontline GPs and clinicians.
Case studies included:
CCGs taking the lead in preventing illness and the causes of ill health – and working to keep people out of hospital where possible
In South Worcestershire, proactively working with older people living with frailty shows promise in preventing A&E attendance and hospital admissions.
In Brighton and Hove, the preventing premature mortality audit is combining data with the stories of people’s care to gain insight into how early deaths could be prevented.
In Blackpool, work is being carried out to prevent people getting type 2 diabetes – and to support those who have been diagnosed to manage their condition.
In Chorley and South Ribble and Greater Preston, efforts are being made to prevent hospital admissions in people with COPD – and to prevent c. difficile infections in the community.
In South Kent, working with the voluntary sector is helping to ensure that people who wouldn’t normally access health services are getting care such as flu vaccines.
CCGs helping to ensure that people are diagnosed earlier and given the support that they need
In West Hampshire and Barnsley, CCGs are focusing on atrial fibrillation as part of comprehensive efforts to prevent stroke.
In Camden, the CCG is using peer educators to improve cancer awareness throughout the borough, particularly in areas of high deprivation and in the Bengali population.
In Corby, the CCG is leading the way in earlier diagnosis and prevention of HIV and AIDS.
CCGs working across boundaries to build on what people want and need to help them lead longer, healthier lives
In Hartlepool and Stockton-on-Tees, commissioners are working with the voluntary sector to build resilient communities that live longer, healthier lives.
In Cornwall, the Living Well project is bringing together health, social care, the voluntary sector and communities to help people take control of their lives.
In Gloucestershire, the CCG is using social prescribing to build on patients’ strengths and desires to improve health and wellbeing.
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