
Elective theatre end of day shut down

Hayley Beharrell
Hayley Beharrell • 27 March 2023

Project completed as part of the Swansea Bay University Health Board Green Team competition (October - December 2022).

Setting/Patient Group: Operating theatres

Issue to be addressed:

Large amount of energy intensive equipment in non-emergency theatres are often left running overnight and at weekend when not in use.


  • Baseline audit of electric device use which would be appropriate to shut down routinely in elective theatres at the end of the working day.
  • Education through clinical governance day to engage staff
  • Development of theatres ‘shutdown’ list and poster



  • Increased staff job satisfaction


  • Projected saving 44,774 kg CO2e/ year


  • Estimate saving of over £26,000 per year.

Key learning point

Adopting practices we would normally do at home within the workplace can have significant environmental and financial savings.


Green team competition: 

You can read more about the Swansea Bay University Health Board competition here.

Click here for more information on the Green Team Competition (including organisation impact reports). 

Resource author(s)
Owen E, Range C and Hale G
Resource publishing organisation(s) or journal
Swansea Bay University Health Board
Resource publication date
October 2022

Comments (1)

Roberta Bullingham
Roberta Bullingham

Dear Team. I am a co-lead for the Surgical Network at CSH. We are organising a showcasing and collaboration event for successful projects in Sus QI in surgery.

We would be delighted to have you as one our speakers to talk about your simple but impactful initiative in the reduction of energy usage in theatres.

The event is online on June 18th at 18:30

If you would be interested and free to present, please contact me via the network or by email

Many Thanks


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