
Pilot Study of a Kidney Patient Results Monitoring Service

Rachael Ward
Rachael Ward • 1 June 2011

Key learning point:

The implementation of a virtual Kidney Patient Results Review Monitoring Service for patients demonstrated significant benefits, including a reduction in patient visits to renal outpatients, leading to time and travel savings. The virtual clinic model improved patient care, reduced travel-related carbon emissions and offered significant economic savings.

Setting/Patient Group: Renal Department, Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust

Issue to be addressed: Historically patients with chronic kidney disease III and IV were managed in primary care with secondary care supervision of blood results and in person clinic review. Funding was offered via the Southwest Peninsula Network to set up a ‘virtual’ CKD clinic for patients. Recognising the distance patients had to travel for appointments, the goal was to set up a virtual Kidney Patient Results Review Monitoring service and evaluate its sustainable value.


A Kidney Patient Results Review Monitoring Service was set up with a lead consultant and nurse. A 10-month pilot was conducted.



  • Rural patients traveling long distances to the clinic saved their time.
  • Estimated 2,020 miles were saved over the pilot, saving equivalent of 760kgCO2e


  • 760kgCO2e (estimated)


  • Pilot was funded for 1d/week Band 6 specialist nurse and 2hrs/week consultant time (cumulative cost of approximately £10,000)
  • However virtual review saved approximately 95 clinic visits at a tariff of £128, therefore saving £12,160


Resource author(s)
Mel Geall, PRMS Nurse, Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust
Resource publishing organisation(s) or journal
Centre for Sustainable Healthcare
Resource publication date
June 2011

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