
Reducing Single Use Bathing and Toileting Equipment

Lucy Swift
Lucy Swift • 25 September 2023

Comments (5)

Lynsey James
Lynsey James

Hi Lucy,
I've just read this and well done on all your efforts and progress so far!!
I work for Nuffield Health and we are tiny in comparison to the scale's you are dealing with, and also all elective surgery, however I just thought I'd let you know that we have developed and rolled out the return and re use of toilet raises. This has not been done by me personally but I would be happy to find and send you any information about it if it would help at all?

Jacqueline Gordon
Jacqueline Gordon

Hi Lynsey - I'm an OT currently on secondment and trying to work out return and reuse of equipment in Sussex - would you be happy to share this good work with me please? Do email and we can have a chat when it's convenient for you if you are able. Thanks! Jackie

Jacqueline Gordon
Jacqueline Gordon

Such great work Lucy! Well done - this will definitely help lead the way for others. So hard to keep going when it feels like you aren't getting there, but you have made a difference already, and the ripples will be enormous. Thank you!

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