
Reducing single-use surgical instruments for laparoscopic appendicectomies

Rachel McLean
Rachel McLean • 28 April 2022

Project completed as part of the 2021 Green Team Competition.

team 1 gsc

Setting/Patient Group: Operating theatres

Issue to be addressed:

Approximately 23% of carbon emissions from surgery are due to the surgical procedure itself.


The aim was to revise the laparoscopic appendicectomy set

  1. Baseline audit to determine which single use instruments in the current set were being used
  2. Stakeholder engagement via education sessions on sustainable surgery and baseline survey
  3. Appendicectomy set revised with reusable ports loaned to trial.



  • Greater understanding of the impact of surgery on carbon emissions by staff and potential change in behaviour.


  • Estimated carbon saving 512kgCO2e/year if single use instrument reduced by 75% from reusable equipment (a conservative estimate).


  • Projected annual saving of £34,432.

Key learning point

Using sustainable quality improvement as a catalyst to encourage wider behavioural change in a surgical department.

Resource author(s)
Surgical MDT (details in impact report)
Resource publishing organisation(s) or journal
Derriford Hospital, University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust
Resource publication date
April 2021

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