
Retrofit of Heat Exchangers to Haemodialysis Machines - Case Study and How to Guide (East Kent NHS FT)

Rachael Ward
Rachael Ward • 17 May 2023

Key learning point 

The case study and discussion outlined above includes most of the information required to develop a sound business case for a programme to retro-fit heat exchangers to existing dialysis machines.

Setting/Patient Group: Dialysis Units (Trust-wide)

Issue to be addressed:

Dialysing machines warm the dialysate fluid to just below body temperature for patient comfort. The method of warming varies with some machines using a thermostat-controlled heaters.

Some machines have a heat exchanger incorporated into the system before this heater which is more energy efficient and can reduce the environmental impact of a haemodialysis treatment.


  • Retro-fitting heat exchangers to existing Braun Dialog+ haemodialysis machines.
  • Creation of ‘How to guide’ for others to explore the practicalities and financial benefits of retro-fit heat exchangers.



  • Maintaining patient comfort during treatment.


  • Projected annual carbon saving 22.6 tonnes across Trust’s 83 machines.


  • Investment cost for heat exchanger of £189/machine, could be recouped within four years of use.
  • Following this four year period, estimated annual savings £3988.15


See full report for 'How to Guide'

Resource author(s)
Steve Milne, East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Resource publishing organisation(s) or journal
Centre for Sustainable Healthcare
Resource publication date
December 2012

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