
Sustainable ENT: Fractured Nose Manipulation - Local Anaesthetic Pathway

Rachel McLean
Rachel McLean • 11 May 2023

Project completed as part of The SFERIC Programme, a Sustainability Fellowship for Engagement, Research, Innovation and Coordination.

Project Aims: 

• To analyse the social, financial and environmental impact of a new fractured nose manipulation local anaesthetic (LA) pathway.

• To compare the new LA pathway to the fractured nose manipulation general anaesthetic (GA) pathway

• To embed this change within the department by educating clinicians on the benefits of the new pathway

• To capture data on patient satisfaction for fractured nose manipulation under LA


Environmental: Based on 90% of 122 annual cases switching to LA instead of GA, we anticipate savings of 4,137.26 kgCO2e per year. This is equivalent to driving 11,916 miles (19,177 km), or 15 return trips from Cardiff to Glasgow in an average car.

Financial: Based on the assumption that 90% of cases previously carried out under GA can now be delivered under LA, we anticipate savings of £27,337 per year.

Social: For patients less time is needed off of work, there is less travel to hospital and reduced delays to treatment. For staff: - ANPs and junior staff members have been empowered to take on a new role, and have enjoyed this practical procedure and being able to treat patients with fractured nose independently. There is reduced need for cancellation conversations and apologies to patients which helps with reducing staff burnout and moral injury. 

Clinical: The change reduces risks from GA, and can reduce delays to treatment.

To read more about the project please download the attached SusQI project report.


The SFERIC Programme

CSH has partnered with NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership, Cardiff and Vale UHB, the Green Health Wales Network and the Dragon's Heart Institute to offer a 12-month scholarship programme focused on sustainable healthcare procurement. You can learn more about The SFERIC Programme here.

Resource author(s)
Laura Burton
Resource publishing organisation(s) or journal
SFERIC programme, Cardiff & Vale University Health Board, and CSH
Resource publication date
July 2022

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