
Tracking the impacts of climate change on human health via indicators: Lessons from the lancet countdown.

Rebecca kenny
Rebecca kenny • 29 June 2023

This research article is a reflective narrative documenting how ‘climate change impacts, exposures, and vulnerability indicators’ (CCIEVIs) have been developed, as a set of measurable indicators. The authors show how these can be updated annually to provide the most up-to-date picture of climate change and the impacts it has on human health. The article explores what it calls the main challenge, which was finding a way to define globally relevant indicators that also have local relevance and as such can support decision making across multiple scales.

The article introduces a hazard, exposure, and vulnerability framework, it is explained how to use such framework to define CCIEVIs based on both data availability and the indicators’ relevance to climate change and human health. It contains reports on how CCIEVIs have been improved and added to, detailing the underlying data and methods, and in doing so providing the defining quality criteria for Lancet Countdown CCIEVIs.

Resource author(s)
Claudia Di Napoli, Alice McGushin, Marina Romanello, Sonja Ayeb-Karlsson, Wenjia Cai, Jonathan Chambers, Shouro Dasgupta, Luis E. Escobar, Ilan Kelman, Tord Kjellstrom, Dominic Kniveton, Yang Liu, Zhao Liu, Rachel Lowe, Jaime Martinez-Urtaza, Celia McMich
Resource publishing organisation(s) or journal
BMC Public Health
Resource publication date
April 2022

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