
Zero-defect manufacturing the approach for higher manufacturing sustainability in the era of industry 4.0: a position paper

Cristian Barcaru
Cristian Barcaru • 4 July 2023

The need for higher manufacturing sustainability is the lesser-known side of the manufacturing process and its associated pollution.

All production batches contain items that cannot be used due to manufacturing defects and will be discarded without being put to use. This increases the cost-per-item for the end user and also increases their waste profile.

The zero-defect manufacturing aims to reduce to an ideal zero this situation and depends on a strong quality culture, robust quality control methods, and effective communication to succeed.


Resource author(s)
João Sousa,João Pedro Mendonça &Dimitris Kiritsis
Resource publishing organisation(s) or journal
Taylor & Francis online
Resource publication date
April 2021

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