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Hi all,
Thought I would share our first Green Newsletter with everyone to inspire each other to do similar projects as well as potential future collaboration!
Many thanks.
TheHCWH Global Road Map for Health Care Decarbonization,outlinedmany high impact and key actions for the health sector to reach Net Zero emissions. High level recommendations included declaring a…
Poster to be used in consultation rooms in a Primary care setting to prompt and enable safe, cost effective and pharmacologically equivalent inhaler switches.
SSCreport + recorded workshop
- background/context of sustainable respiratory care
- summary of interviews with practice patients
- framework for action/SusQI projects in GP
supervisor --> Dr…
High-technology medicine saves lives and produces waste; this is the case of dialysis. The increasing amounts of waste products can be biologically dangerous in different ways: some…
The Health FoundationcommissionedtheInstitute of Health Equityto examine progress in addressing health inequalities in England, 10 years on from the landmark studyFair Society, Healthy Lives (The…
These pages have useful information including presenting the BSG's Strategy on Climate Change and Sustainability as well as activity plans and resources.
This guide is intended to help frontline health and care staff use their trusted relationships with patients, families, and communities to take action on the health effects of air pollution. Published…
This is the first published paper defining the links between Climate Change and the Speech and Language Therapy Profession. It was published in the International Journal of Language and Communication…
I am so thrilled to have helped with the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare's first Sustainable Dentistry course.
What a fantastic start to the journeys of our participants: an innovative, excited,…