
BTS Winter meeting - sustainability highlights

Laura-Jane Smith
Laura-Jane Smith • 26 November 2024


If you are attending the Winter BTS then don't miss the sessions on sustainability! 

2.15pm-4.00pm Abbey, 4th floor POSTER DISCUSSION: P42-P55 “Alice’s Adventures in Inhalerland” – Considering the device and the environment in asthma


There are 14 posters being discussed! 

A few of the excellent topics include: 

  • Which people with asthma are offered a lower carbon inhaler device by clinicians and what stops them wanting to switch?
  • Greenhouse gas emissions associated with severe asthma along the care pathway in the United Kingdom 
  • In vitro performance of a combination beclomethasone dipropionate/salbutamol sulphate pressurised metered dose inhaler formulated with a low global warming potential propellant
  • Inhaler device use and carbon footprint disparities in Nordic countries and the UK
  • Pay to puff green: can NHS incentives change the prescribing practices?
  • Digital monitoring of inhaler use is associated with reduced short-acting beta-agonist use in airways disease
  • Developing a validated e-inhaler technique competency test for healthcare professionals 

We hope to see many of you at the session. And we'll be harassing the authors to come and present at a future network meeting!

Comments (5)

Angshu Bhowmik
Angshu Bhowmik

How do you get around the problem that the Salamol pMDI is the most widely prescribed SABA inhaler? The DPI alternatives are all more expensive and don't seem to be prescribed in primary care as often.

Laura-Jane Smith
Laura-Jane Smith

There are several options:
1. In asthma move to SABA free pathways (AIR and MART)
2. Educate and support primary care re: ensuring patients are on same device types - QI projects great for this
3. Always prescribe by brand
4. Learn from good practice examples - at the BTS meeting, on here, and in our upcoming toolkit!

Laura-Jane Smith
Laura-Jane Smith

Sorry - posters not available online. We'll try and persuade some of the authors to speak at one of our sharing half hours in the New Year!

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