
Can anyone help me source this report please?

Melissa  Pegg
Melissa Pegg • 19 May 2023



NHS Sustainable Development Unit. Goods and services carbon

hotspots. NHS England breakdown of goods and services carbon

footprint by organisation type. Cambridge: NHS Sustainable

Development Unit, 2012


Many thanks

Kind regards


Comments (5)

Melissa  Pegg
Melissa Pegg

Many thanks Frances. This is very helpful. I am not able to access the method in the link provided within the report. May I kindly check what is included and excluded from the GP (per visit) at 66kgCO2e? I can see travel is excluded but is pharmaceuticals included?

Melissa  Pegg
Melissa Pegg

Another example is the emergency response calls gives
a carbon footprint of 68 kgCO2e per response. What does this include and exclude please? Many thanks in anticipation of your help

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