Fisher & Paykel Healthcare have kindly made available their CARE Webinar on The Future of Sustainability in Healthcare.
The webinar is available free of charge via this link. It is moderated by Dr Tom Pierce, Consultant Anaesthetist, Southampton University Hospital and Environmental Advisor to Royal College of Anaesthetists, and topics covered include:
The Future of Sustainable Anaesthesia: Dr Chris Allen, Anaesthetic Trainee, Newcastle Hospitals and Fellow in Environmentally Sustainable Anaesthesia for the Association of Anaesthetists and the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare
The Importance of Oceans in a Sustainable Future: Dr Richard Hixson, Consultant in Critical Care - Trust Clinical Lead for Sustainability, County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust and Trustee of the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare
Single Use vs Reusable Consumables - Life Cycle Assessment: Professor Harriet W. Hopf, MD, Professor of Anesthesiology and Biomedical Engineering, University of Utah
Panellists: Mr James Horwood, Consultant Surgeon, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board and Dr Mat Molynuex, Consultant Anaesthetist, University Hospitals Bristol NHS Trust
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