
Climate Change and Health teaching at UK Med Schools

Cat Pinho-Gomes
Cat Pinho-Gomes • 23 January 2025


I would like to do an audit on inclusion of climate change and health and sustainable healthcare covereage  by UK Med Schools. Howvwe, I don't know if this is already being done and would be grateful for feedback.

Many thanks.

Best wishes,



Comments (9)

Elizabeth Murphy
Elizabeth Murphy

This is a really good idea. I haven't heard of any previous audits. I feel there is an ad-hoc approach depending on staff who have a personal interest. I work as a sustainability officer in Manchester and we support University of Manchester to deliver lectures to students regularly.

James Smith
James Smith

I am not sure how much this would overlap with what you have in mind but James Bevan is undertaking a global survey working with the Global Consortium on Climate and Health Education to develop metrics and a survey for tracking progress on climate and health education at medical and public health schools worldwide. The aim is for these to be included in the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change going forward. I can link you up if you didn't get this from him directly already.

Cat Pinho-Gomes
Cat Pinho-Gomes

Thanks for all your comments. I also work with the GCCHE. This would be an audit focused on the UK med schools. I have already done an audit of MPH and the paper is under review. There seems to be interest in doing this considering your comments. Is there a repository of the contacts for all med schools in the UK?
Thank you.
Best wishes

Helena Clements
Helena Clements

Think this would be really useful. The score card is useful but voluntary. Also feel very strongly that this teaching should be integrated with other health sciences such as nursing, AHP, pharmacists. We are pushing this at Nottingham University but this comes from us as passionate health professionals , not from within. I have started to teach about climate and health to other disciplines ( conference of science teachers last week, our local county council and a GP practice managers forum )putting across the point that we are all users of the health service and will all be impacted by the consequences of climate change

Helena Clements
Helena Clements

Just to add from comment above; health and climate literacy is vital to us all so our universities should be teaching that to their engineers, architects, planners, teachers etc. When I started at UoN 42 years ago, they boasted a computer course to every undergrad ( except medics who didn't have time) how great would it be for every undergrad to have general climate and health literacy and then a commitment to continue within their specialisms!

Martin Still
Martin Still

Great! I work for UHSussex and we have a Professor for Sustainability at The Brighton Medical School. All the Brighton Medical School students have lectures on sustainability in Healthcare. There is also a stand alone sustainability module that all healthcare professions can Undertake. Professor Mood Bhutta is the lead. hope that helps 🙂

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