
Great to see the BRS looking at exercise in CKD

Frances Mortimer
Frances Mortimer • 17 October 2012

Picking up on the workshop run by Charlie Tomson at the Green Nephrology Summit last month on opportunities for primary and secondary prevention in kidney care, I was really glad to find that the British Renal Society has a Rehab Network, and that they are looking at the provision of exercise services for patients with CKD in the UK!

They are running a survey aimed at all members of the multidisciplinary team:

On behalf of the British Renal Society, and the British Renal Society Rehab Network (BRS RN), we are asking you to lend a few moments of your time to answer a short survey monkey poll about exercise in Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). This is our first survey of our membership,  so both in terms of the importance of the topic and as a test of how we communicate with you,  this is an important milestone.

The survey, aimed at all members of the multidisciplinary team, should not take more than 5-6 minutes to complete. Please use this opportunity to help inform us of the current provision of exercise services for patients with CKD in the UK. Our vision is to make exercise accessible to all patients with CKD within the UK, and this will only be possible to tackle once we understand the full picture.

We really appreciate your time and assistance with this.

Here is the link to the survey:

Thank you

Yours faithfully

Richard Fluck ( President, BRS)

Sharlene Greenwood, (Chair of the BRS RN)

Comments (4)

Chris  Pearson
Chris Pearson

We were happy to support Kings with their BRS stand by supplying a chair and exercise bike. If anyone would like further details of the equipment used plese feel free to contact me either by e-mail or telephone.




Menard Cinense
Menard Cinense



It’s a good idea to introduce exercise patient on dialysis, I worked in dialysis in NKF Singapore and I was the exercise coordinator of the dialysis unit and 100% of our patient are participating exercise while on dialysis. Our patient is very motivated in doing exercise.Were using bike like Upright axos cycle, Axos recumbent exercise bike, Excel cycle. I would love to help patient and introduce excerise on dialysis.




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