
Greener Practice: the UK’s primary care sustainability network

Mike Tomson
Mike Tomson • 13 October 2022

Engaging General Practice and Primary Care for the health of people and planet

Greener practice is the UK’s primary care sustainability network that aims to enable primary care towards sustainable healthcare. We are a Community Interest Company with four areas of work:

  1. Local groups: We have 29 local groups spread across UK that work to support action in the local or regional area. To find out which local group is closest to you, click here:


  1. National Special Interest Groups: Those working in or interested in primary care are also welcome to join our very active national Whatsapp discussion groups, where you can ask questions and share ideas in the following area:
  • Clinical & Respiratory
  • Working with organisations
  • Green and Blue Prescribing
  • Non-Clinical Carbon
  • Education
  • Quality improvement
  • GP Trainees’ group
  • General national group

We summarise key points from these discussions each month in a newsletter (and some people will prefer to read this summary rather than be part of the groups!) To join please write to with GMC or equivalent number and tell us which ones you would like to join … or that you’d like the newsletter etc.

  1. Website and Resources: Our website provide a one-stop hub of information, resources and links for those working in primary care to support their work. Our asthma toolkit is a quality improvement toolkit for better and greener asthma care that can also help practices in England, safely and effectively achieve the NHSE PCN DES IIF indicators. It has been reviewed and approved by NHS England and by NHS improvement inhaler group.


  1. Partnering with other organisations: Greener Practice is also involved in working  at a national level with NHSE, RCGP, HEE and other organisations to enable sustainable primary care in UK as well, of course, as CSH.

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