
Grounds Maintenance specs

Karen Janody
Karen Janody • 20 August 2024

Hello - I am hoping someone here might know or seen some grounds maintenance specs. We are issuing new specs and I would like to check if there are more biodiversity friendly ones out there.

Comments (2)

James Farrell
James Farrell

Hi Karen, we were asked this by Kent & Medway MHT recently and I pointed them to the guidance on the CIEEM website. Alternatively you may like the contract to be reviewed by an ecologist - let me know if I can help.

Chris Birch
Chris Birch

Hi Karen,

Essentially having less intensive grass mowing and hedgerow cutting regimes (such as rotational cutting of hedge faces) is becoming more important and limiting pesticide use and water application:

Implementation of new grassland management strategy - Lancaster City Council…

Managing-grassland-road-verges_2020.pdf (…

Seb from Stephenson Halliday Principal Landscape Manager
+44(0)7917 425226

Would be happy to chat through the options with you....

best wishes

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