
Hello! We are in the...

Emmanuel Okenyi
Emmanuel Okenyi • 30 November 2015
Hello! We are in the process of confirming and finalising our sessions for the first SSU we have set up entitled 'Medicine, Environmental Sustainability and Healthcare'. Myself and Dr Tom Pierce (lead clinician at Southampton helping with the project) met with Prof. Sabu Padmadas who is an academic at our university who has a wealth of experience working with governments around the world looking into the impact of various environmental factors on global health systems. Attached to this post is the course summary we submitted for approval and the session outlines we have so far.

Comments (2)

Frances Mortimer
Frances Mortimer

Hi Emmanuel,

thanks so much for sharing your plans for SSU at Southampton. The global health systems expertise looks like a great asset!

Are you thinking of a particular clinical focus, e.g. anaesthetics, given Dr Pierce's involvement (I know that he is sustainability lead at the Royal College of Anaesthetists)?

Also interested to see that you have included all 3 priority learning outcomes - how are you planning to tackle the 3rd (ethics) one?



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