
Help creating a survey

Ife Osinkolu
Ife Osinkolu • 5 October 2022

Good Morning all,

Is anyone aware of any published work that involved surveying theatre staff (scrub nurses/ODP/Surgeons) on their opinion on sustainability within their current practice. I am working on a project looking at reducing the use of single use laparoscopic instruments and will like to survey staff on their opinion on the status quo to assess the appetite for change. Any examples of similar surveys will be helpful in creating mine.


Comments (1)

Ellie McCance
Ellie McCance

Hi Ife,

I am in the processing of analysing the results from a UK-wide survey assessing attitude to waste in cataract surgery. The survey was open to all, but am only including responses from health care workers involved in theatre.

It was a 30 question, multiple- choice online survey, which was a modification of a survey published in the US (See ref: Chang DF, Thiel CL, Cleaning ftOI, Force ST. Survey of cataract surgeons' and nurses' attitudes toward operating room waste. Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery. 2020;46(7):933-40.).

I believe Catherine Floyd is going to be in touch with you about seeing the raw data results to get an idea of the enormity and complexity of the data to help guide your survey design.

I wasn't involved in the design stage of this survey, but essentially I would try to keep it as succinct as possible, focussing on the key questions you want answering to inform change from the results. I would keep to single responses to a question, rather than asking about different aspects within a single question, and probably no more than 10-15 questions for maximal uptake.

The survey data I'm analysing really struggled from lack of responses given how long the survey was (small number responded, small number complete responses). Would have been much better if shorter, as the majority of results will not be the key insights from the survey.

Hope this helps.



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