My name is Amy and I am the junior doctor ‘Sustainability Fellow’ for the Severn Deanery in the UK. It is a new post this year so I have a blank slate to work with. It is a post I have taken on in addition to being a full time junior doctor. My job description is to use my role as a clinician to help promote sustainable working practices in the deanery and thus reduce carbon emissions.
I am in post for two years and I have a lot of time and energy to put into projects. I am keen to get ideas from other people about sucessful sustainability projects they have been involved in. If you have any such ideas then please let me know.
Thanks for your help!
Hi Amy,
This is great to hear - exciting opportunity! I'm involved in a student group called Healthy Planet which is focused on climate, health and NHS sustainability, and I did an internship with the CSH last summer so am interested to hear what you get up to and may have a couple of useful things if you'd like me to share a dropbox folder or two with you!
I don't know if you've come across this but a group of public health trainees have done some cool stuff around sustainability which is written up at… - if you'd like me to put you in touch with the co-chairs, email me at There are also some projects students have done in the past which are summarised at…; Good luck!!
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