Hi all. I'm an emergency Physician in New Zealand.
I'm starting to put together a sabbatical focussed on the carbon impact of wasteful/avoidable care in the acute care setting. I'm hoping to be able to do LCA on wasteful care, likely starting with some of the choosing wisely recommendations
I'd love any ideas out there for the best way to approach this, including resources/ courses for learning carbon life cycle analysis.
Hi Tom,
Not sure about any courses, but I've heard Cassandra Thiel, Matt Eckelmann, and Jodi Sherman in the US have done some great work with LCAs. You can check out some of their articles here: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/es504719g and https://journals.lww.com/anesthesia-analgesia/fulltext/2018/08000/life_cycle_assessment_and_costing_methods_for.22.aspx (there's a lot more on Google Scholar w/ the search terms "medical device life cycle assessment"). He and some other experts in the field also presented some of their work in a webinar: https://cleanmed.org/sessions/clinical-sustainability/ - this gives a good foundation of how to do a LCA.
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