The Men Who Made Us Spend is a thought provoking series about consumerism: It made me consider again the occupational meaning of what we buy and how we buy.
A few years ago Carlisle et al suggested that addressing environmental concerns might help to counter the impacts of materialism, individualism and consumerism on health and wellbeing:
Can anyone recommend any other good papers, OT or otherwise, exploring these issues?
For Moses and anyone else interested in this thread, check out the New Economics Foundation:, which is a well-established think tank promoting social, economic and environmental justice. Its purpose in its mission statement is to bring about a Great Transition - to transform the economy so it works for people and planet. It has an article on shifting power in public service,…. Meanwhile, if you are interested in reading a news website whose maxim would probably be 'If it feeds it leads', rather than the usual 'if it bleeds, it leads', check out Positive News and to keep this on topic, it does cover health stories. In fact it's planning a big piece on the NHS soon.