
NHS Walking Aid Return and Reuse Communications Pack 2022 | Launch

Yohannah Caussyram
Yohannah Caussyram • 25 August 2022

Dear all,

National Recycle Week (19-25 September) is 4 weeks away! Participating in this week of activity is a fantastic opportunity to start or boost Walking Aid Return and Reuse schemes. Is your organisation getting involved? The Net Zero and Sustainable Procurement team recently published the return and reuse planning pack for NHS staff involved in the procurement and distribution of walking aids to help them kick start or expand a return and reuse scheme.

We are delighted to share that we have published our Walking Aids Return and Reuse Communications Pack which provides you with key messages and pre-prepared materials such as posters to promote walking return and reuse schemes through your own channels.

All documents can be downloaded from the Central Commercial Function CCF Hub (Formerly PTOM Hub). If you have difficulty accessing Futures please email

For those interested in attending future drop-in sessions, you can add the MS teams links to your calendar or request an invite:

 Key walking aids return and reuse resources:

The Recycle Now Postcode locator is now live! But do continue sharing your drop-off locations if you have not done so already

We have partnered with WRAP to create a postcode locator webpage where service users can check their nearest drop-off location. Importantly, the postcode locator will continue to exist after National Recycle Week. The aim of this activity is to increase return and reuse rates, helping the NHS reach the 40% return rate target. To do this we need to communicate consistent messages and make returns more convenient for patients. If you have not done so already, submit your drop-off locations via MS Forms, we will upload to the website. If you have multiple locations, please submit a new form for each location.

For more information, please contact

Thank you for your support,

The NHS Net Zero and Sustainable Procurement Team

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