
Planetary Health Conversations - fortnightly journal club

Janie Maxwell
Janie Maxwell • 16 May 2016

Amid the complexity and bustle of everyday lives and trying to make a difference, sometimes it can be hard to keep abreast of new ideas, or to stay inspired. As a bit of food for thought and inspiration, we host a fortnightly collaboration Planetary Health Conversations at the Nossal Institute for Global Health at the University of Melbourne, Australia to discuss sustainability and health from a diverse range of perspectives.

Attendants have been skyping in, and the time chosen just suits EU time zones. It is held at 1600 AEST (Melbourne time) i.e. 0700 GMT+1 (London time)

All are welcome - just skim the chosen journal article if you can, email us to skype in (or add planetary_health_conversations on skype), and see you one Wednesday.

Please see the website for more information on upcoming dates, papers and online summaries of the discussion on the forum.

Warm regards,


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