
Reducing Glove Use in the ED

Frances Balmer
Frances Balmer • 22 February 2023

PPE has a huge environmental (and financial) cost. During the COVID pandemic we normalised the universal use of PPE, but now we need to think about how we can safely rationalise our use.

Starting with glove use - I've seen a CSH case report from Swansea NICU 2022 and this initiative from Sussex hospital but nothing ED specific.

  • Has anyone any up to date information about our current glove use and carbon/financial costs?
  • Has anyone tried to do this, post-pandemic in an ED setting?
  • How did you respond to IPC or staff concerns?
  • Would anyone be interested in developing resources?

Comments (7)

Hayley Millar
Hayley Millar

Hi Rebecca,

Would you be happy if I also made contact to take a look at these posters? There is a real interest in reducing our glove is post pandemic



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