
Reducing Herbicide and Pesticide Use

Miranda Chubb
Miranda Chubb • 22 August 2024


We're aiming to reduce/stop the use of herbicides and pesticides across our estates but this seems to be a challenging area. Does anyone have any advice or guidance on how to implement a reduction/ceasing use of herbicides and pesticides? Or information on what chemicals shouldn't/could be used or alternative control strategies suitable for NHS Estates? Any information on this and any successful case studies from other Trusts would be very gratefully received!


Comments (3)

James  Warham
James Warham

Hi Miranda
Wearing my Horticulturalist & Transition Towns hats for this one, I can also put the Q to another group if you thing that may be helpful.

My first thought would be to turn to PAN UK resources.

They have a campaign for pesticide free towns, so I see no reason why not they could work with you to produce a Pesticide Free hospitals guide.

Also do consider asking on the Transition Towns Vive platform. We have a few health professionals that are working in smaller healthcare settings/GP surgeries etc that might have some insight.


James  Warham
James Warham

The only thing you might find is that initial resistance may be 'it's gonna cost too much' from contractors. So you may have to deal with the stakeholders/decision makers as well:)

On the other hand you could be setting precedent for other trusts.

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