
Reducing MRI scanner duration project

Emma Vittery
Emma Vittery • 2 February 2024

Hi all, 

I'm scoping a project to help a secondary care team quantify carbon savings from work they've done to reduce the time people spent in MRI scanners, including reducing the need for general anaesthetics in kids. 

I think they'd be significant energy savings given my understanding is MRI scanners are 20-30kw/hr depending on scan (?), as well as benefits around anaesthetic gas/inpatient beds regarding the general anaesthetics.

Has anyone looked at anything similar or can signpost me to any useful resources / papers? 


Comments (2)

Rachel Baldwin-Cleland
Rachel Baldwin-Cleland

Hi Emma,

I went to UKIO this week and saw a great lecture by Dr Michael Jackson - Consultant Paediatric Radiologist NHS Lothian - who spoke on MRI and US and kgCO2e . Robert Chuter Carbon Footprinting for Healthcare member (Chair of IPEM sustainability committee might be able to put you in touch with Michael).

Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson

Hi Emma and Rachel,
I've just found this network, so sorry for the delay responding.
Emma, if you could send me an email ( I will send you information about two relevant projects we've started in Edinburgh (reduced scan time for MRI heads, melatonin scans as alternative to GA).
Thanks for your kind words about my UKIO talk Rachel!
Best wishes,


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