
Request to Physiotherapists to take part in an international study on environmental considerations in managing chronic spinal pain conditions

Lucy Brown
Lucy Brown • 12 August 2024

The Haute Ecole de Sante Vaud are conducting a modified Delphi method project led by Prof. Emmanuelle Opsommer (HESAV / HES-SO).

The aim of the study is to provide statements reflecting physiotherapists' attitudes and beliefs regarding the integration of environmental considerations in managing chronic spinal pain conditions.

We believe that physiotherapists members of the Allied Health Professions Sustainability Network would be highly suitable and valuable contributors to this study. We have set inclusion criteria. To be eligible, physiotherapists should meet one of these relevant backgrounds:

·        Either have a minimum of three years of clinical experience in managing chronic spinal pain conditions (chronic pain related to Cervical spine or Neck region, Thoracic spine or Dorsal region, Lumbar spine or Lower back region, Sacral or Pelvic region).

·        Or have at least three years of experience in educating on pain-related topics.

·        Or be involved in three or more published articles within the spinal pain field, regardless of authorship position.

·        Or hold the position of head of a musculoskeletal or related physiotherapy department.

Participation involves completing three questionnaires (Delphi rounds) over a period of several weeks. The first round will be open until 31.08.2024. Detailed information will be shared for consent. The estimated time commitment is approximately 30-45 minutes for Round 1, and 10-20 minutes each for Rounds 2 and 3. All responses will remain confidential and anonymous.

We kindly request your assistance in sharing this invitation with the members of the Allied Health Professions Sustainability Network. Physiotherapists interested can simply share their email with Aníbal Pereira at or call +41 21 316 82 02 to receive detailed information and a personal link to complete the questionnaire.

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