Hello everyone,
This next Sharing Hour held on the 10th May at 7pm by the Association of Anaesthetists and Centre For Sustainable Healthcare will be an open forum with no set theme.
This open forum will be for anyone wanting to discuss the progress or barriers you have faced with any of your sustainability projects you've embarked on, to share any of the current sustainable literature that has come out over the recent months and to realise that you are not alone with wanting to make the workplace a more sustainable environment!
For those of you who have attended over previous occasionans, this is your forum to be a part of and as ever, your contributions are incredibly valuable! Without your input the format of these sharing hours would not work so please do bring your ideas so we can continue to learn off one another!
All are welcome, whether you are a theatre nurse, anaesthetic assistant, surgeon or anaesthetist and beyond!
This will be your safe space to share your ideas and experiences. The sessions are not recorded.
It will be held on Tuesday 10th May 2022 7pm - 8pm
If there is a topic you would like to discuss then please email me beforehand at envirofellow@anaesthetists.org
All suggestions will be welcome!
Please purchase a free ticket from eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/sharing-hour-anaesthetic-theatre-sustain…;
See you all soon,
Jason Gandhi
It'd be great to see you at the Sharing Hour starting at 7pm tonight! It's a place for you to share your ideas and sustainability projects!
Thank you to all of those who were able to attend! It was good to see some familiar faces but refreshing to see a few new faces too.
The conversations were wide ranging!
We had some thoughts about the issues facing critical care and the need for swift progress as has happened in Anaesthetics. The critical care network could be an excellent place to read and share some ideas on this, but globally work has started in Aus/NZ. Some suggestions included prioritising waste streams, encouraging recycling by making the appropriate bins available, rationalising the use of gloves, analysing the carbon footprint of renal replacement therapy on ICU.
Thoughts on simple but challenging changes to theatre attire was also raised – this was predominantly on theatre hats and there were some trusts that have been able to adopt this change, and individuals from these trusts were able to give advice to others that were having difficulties pushing through their business case. If you at your trust has been successful with implementing reusable theatre hats, or if you have had challenges against its adoption then it’d be great to hear your experiences…!
There was importantly, a sense of shared frustration. Trusts produce specific policies which are then duplicated nationally 100’s of times, increasing the workload when possibly, a National strategy could be developed to produce guidelines from the Royal Colleges. This centralised guidance would create influence from a top down position and give the shopfloor workforce capacity and time to focus on their clinical priorities. It’d be interesting to hear further discussions and thoughts on this from others…
Reusable hats lead to the discussions on reusable drapes and gowns, why are we not adopting this more nationally?? Have you tried at your trust to set up reusable drapes/gowns….?
Other topics focused on SageTech and Baxters volatile capture devices.
The consensus was that there is a tremendous amount of work being done at the clinical level, but when it comes to asking for funding, the is very little or none. How can we develop a strategy to fund the sustainable future of our hospitals? Is there a body focusing on this? It’d be insightful to hear anyones experience with this…!
Many questions raised, many answers discussed but importantly, the shared learning was generated by the individuals that were able to attend! This was not didactic teaching, it was a shared floor space to discuss the above points!
Come along next time and share your ideas! I’m looking forward to the next session…I’ll keep you posted but please do comment on the above points raised!
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