
SusIPC - developing resources to guide positive interventions

Sarah  Walpole
Sarah Walpole • 20 November 2024

Following on from the FIS practical workshop on 20th November, we invite you to collaborate on development of resources for SusIPC interventions. 

Canva resource links to follow... 

Comments (3)

Rajeka Lazarus
Rajeka Lazarus

Productive and informative discussion on PPE sustainability. Useful to have perspectives from other parts of Europe - similar challenges, all trying different approaches. Recognise the importance having endorsement at a government level for resource and buy in but also need senior leaders on the ground to make the changes. Visual resources thought to be impactful - illustrating inappropriate glove by comparing to the weight of ambulances, using see through waste bags so waste is obvious. Stock control issues also leading to waste - need to question/research about expiry dates. Other research questions - how do we measure infection prevention and not just glove reduction, are plastic aprons worse for droplet transmission compared to more absorbent materials.

Sarah Chadwick
Sarah Chadwick

Hi Sarah. Huge apologies to ask for this again but i have just joined this group and would love to view your slides if you have oportunity to share again in near future

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