
'Upcycling' dialysis filters?

Frances Mortimer
Frances Mortimer • 7 July 2020

I hadn't realised that discarded kidney dialysis filters are being repurposed to make pure water in some places in Africa, Asia and Latin America - described in this article, titled 'Ingenious upcycling turns discarded medical device into water filter'.

Not sure whether this officially qualifies as 'upcycling' or not! But sounds a good use of dialysers that would otherwise only be used once.

Comments (1)

James  Warham
James Warham

Francis, certainly comes under the 'Reduce, Reuse, Recycle' mantra.

While in the UK we incinerate most clinical dialysis waste (including my own 4 times a week dialysers!) this is a great article.

Well worth a watch of the various videos on youtube that show the formation and workings of the system in more detail.


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