Hi all,
I am a paediatric anaesthetist in Bristol and am keen to do what I can to reduce the environmental impact if healthcare.
I am the clinical representative on our Trust Sustainable Procurement Workstream. As many of you will know, procurement is responsible for over 60% of our carbon emissions so we are focussing on how we can reduce this by moving away from a linear economy to a circular one. As part of our work we have identified a requirement for new solutions and alternative products that will support a transition to Zero Waste Operating Theatres. We are leading an innovation procurement project with the support of NHS England and NHS Improvement and Healthcare Without Harm Europe. We are reaching out to other NHS Trusts that may have a similar need and may in the future be interested in buying such a solution and/or collaborating in this initiative.
We have written a statement of demand which outlines the current issues and our need for innovative solutions from the supply chain. It will be published and going out for market evaluation in a couple of weeks. Before that we are looking for other NHS Trusts to support the statement.
If you are interested in seeing the statement (it isn't for wide distribution yet) I would be very happy to hear from you and I can send it via email.
Showing support would mean that your Trusts name goes on the Statement and shows that you agree that we need to change the way we do things all the way up the supply chain. It doesn't hold you to anything. The more Trusts that support the Statement, the more motivated the supply chain will be.
I look forward to hearing from you
Amelia Pickard (consultant paediatric anaesthetist, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children)
Hi Louise I'm the sustainability lead for my Trusts operating theatres and I'm actively pursuing various suppliers within our supply chain around reducing single use plastic on both procedural packs, general packaging and anaesthetic equipment lines. I'd love to join your efforts and would be very interested in your statement. You can contact me via Emma.Evans@stgeorges.nhs.uk
many thanks