On Monday 22 November for theGreenerNHS Estates and Facilities Spotlight Day, key staff from the National NHS Estates Team visited a number of projects showcasing Green NHS ideas. These…
Upcoming WSO webinaron effects of climate change on stroke and opportunities for stroke prevention - should be well worth watching. With previous WSO webinars, if you have registered, you can watch…
Help! I'm applying to my local NHS carbon reinvestment fund for a pathfinder project to scope ways that carbon and cost can be reduced in the stroke service. Has anyone quantified major targets for…
Last week, the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare was delighted to host the event ‘Green Prescribing for Sustainable Healthcare: from policy to practice’.
We hope those who attended enjoyed hearing…
NHS planning guidance includes a target of25% of outpatient activity beingdelivered remotely by telephone or video consultation. This would have benefits in terms of carbon and air pollution…
Welcome to Green Stroke Care Network!
Over 100,000 strokes occur each year in the UK with an estimated annual financial cost of £26 billion; the associated resource use contributes to the carbon…
West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership are doing some fantastic workon theirGreen Social Prescribing programme.Details of the projects can be found half way down the webpage.…
Hi All,
This is a short video from the BBC about Nick Ray, a sea kayaker from the Isle of Mull speaking about living with severe depression,…
Hi network members,
I created a free collection of actions that dentists can take to become a sustainable practice.In sharing this with you I hope to spreadideas for sustainable initiatives in turn…