I would like to introduce myself and reach out to see how many other members are here from north of the border?
As the Greenspace and Health Programme Manager for NHS Lothian I have been…
Trying to be greener at work in palliative care? Let us know!
Survey here: https://forms.gle/VnKRH8mCHw66giae9
We can share practice and use this to help other palliative care teams. Tell us…
Really keen to hear about the sustainability research within paediatrics going on out there.
Where does PPE have a key role in infection control and where does handwashing suffice?
How does the…
Anyone out there with a good idea for reducing the carbon footprint of an element of your kidney care service? The Kidney MedTech Competition offers six prizes, worth £30,000, to accelerate research…
'A number of studies have estimated the carbon footprint of healthcare provision in a variety of contexts, but the emission factors used to account for associated waste vary widely and are not…
Incremental haemodialysis (IHD), in which dialysis dose is adjusted to take into account residual kidney function (RKF) usually by starting dialysis twice rather than thrice weekly, has been…
As SLTs we love to highlight how important communication is.
And communication is key to climate change issues.
Do you talk about it? If so….
WHAT are you communicating?
There is a lot…
On Monday 22 November for theGreenerNHS Estates and Facilities Spotlight Day, key staff from the National NHS Estates Team visited a number of projects showcasing Green NHS ideas. These…
Happy Friday everyone and welcome to all our latest members!
Are you wondering what positive changes you can make at work? Well one effective action would be to encourage your place of work to make…