A recent report from the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, after consultation with medical colleges and faculties, identified a list of treatments or procedures that were considered to be of…
On the 24th October 2016 the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges brought out a report called Choosing Wisely . It was inspired by a world-wide initiative to encourage greater communication between…
In a recent campaign to improve communication between clinicians and patients in order to avoid unnecessary tests, treatments and procedures the Royal College of Anaesthetists and the Royal College of…
This week the High Court found the government's action on air quality to be inadequate. In the second successful case against the government in two years brought by the legal charity Client Earth, the…
We're pleased to release our final programme for the upcoming "Transforming Mental Health and Dementia Provision with the Natural Environment" conference, which will take place Thursday 10th November…
A helpful guide for those of us working in primary care as set out by the recent Choosing Wisely campaign. More info to be found at http://www.choosingwisely.co.uk
1. When patients are particularly…
Welcome to my first blog as one of the Royal College of Psychiatrists’ Sustainability Scholars of 2016-17! In this post I’ll be focusing on joint medical appointments as a sustainable way to optimise…
Since 2003, patients in Denmark have had access to their electronic health record through a national portal called www.sundhed.dk. This enables all parties in health sectors to collaborate with the…
On 24th October 2016 The Academy of Royal Colleges published a list of 40 interventions which have little or no benefit for patients, as part of the Choosing Wisely…