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Showing 181 - 190 of 197 results

Health sector hits first target in combating climate change - SDU report

Created on
28 Jan 2016
Frances Mortimer
The health sector is over the first hurdle in the race to reach carbon reduction targets and help limit the effects of climate change. A report from the Sustainable Development Unit shows the NHS…

Green Ward Competitions launched in Dartford & Gravesham and UCLH

Created on
6 Jan 2016
Admin *
January offers staff at UCLH and Dartford & Gravesham NHS Trusts the chance to welcome in the New Year by developing greener approaches to the work of their ward/unit. Green Ward Competitions were…

New CHP at Dartford and Gravesham

Created on
17 Dec 2015
Admin *
A shiny new Combined Heat & Power plant has just opened at Dartford & Gravesham NHS Trust as the first of a year of initiatives which will also include a Green Ward Competition. The Trust is now…

Progress on Ethylene Oxide in Sri Lanka

Created on
8 Nov 2015
Jayaindra Fernando
Ethylene Oxide sterilization has been use for recycling some consumable surgical items in Sri Lanka as well as rest of South Asia. The Ministry of Health in Sri Lanka has directed that herewith this…

Reducing waste in the theatre environment

Created on
29 Nov 2013
Felicity Hughes
I'm a junior doctor interested in reducing the amount of clinical waste produced by the theatres in the hospital that I work in, much as the recycling project in the Oxford John Radcliffe Hospital…

CleanMed 2013 - call for case studies

Created on
7 May 2013
Frances Mortimer
CSH is hosting this year'sCleanMed Europeconference, 17-19 September 2013. The emphasis will be on redesigning healthcare for a sustainable future (as opposed to providing the same care more…

Are online journals actually greener compared to the print versions?

Created on
22 Jul 2012
Jayaindra Fernando
There is a general perception that online medical journals have a smaller carbon footprint than its printed version. The financial cost itself follows a similar argument. From this, it can be expected…

Green Ward Winners at the Whittington

Created on
27 Jun 2012
Rachel Stancliffe
Amidst rising fuel costs and the need to address climate change, three Whittington Hospital departments took part in a Green Awareness competition, with the winners receiving prizes donated by climate…

Cost-Effective and Sustainable Surgery

Created on
12 Jun 2012
Ingeborg Steinbach
The Association of Surgeons in Great Britain and the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland have published a Consensus Statement on Cost-effective and Sustainable Surgery. The statement is based on …

Lots of sustainability in current edition of AA

Created on
25 Apr 2012
Frances Mortimer
Many of you are probably already aware, but there are lots of articles on sustainability issues in this month's Anaesthesia & Analgesia - see: