The next paper to be discussed at the Planetary Healthcare Journal Club is Chantalle Rizan'srecent“Minimizing carbon and financial costs of steam sterilization and packaging of reusable surgical…
The University of Brighton will be launching a new module in the next academic year called:
Sustainable Healthcare Principles
This module is open to all disciplines and can be taken as…
SHARE conference - Sustainable Healthcare Academic Research and Enterprise
6 May 2022 10am-4pm BST (British Standard Time)
Free on Zoom - open to anyone interested in sustainable…
In view of the significant contribution anaesthetics make to the NHS carbon footprint, CSH have developed a new course focused on Sustainable Anaesthetics. I wonder if you would be interested in…
BACCN-IACCN Conference
17th-18th Oct 2022 Belfast Ireland
BACCN - British Association of Critical Care Nurses
IACCN - Irish Association of Critical Care Nurses
**Submissions encouraged…
The Intensive Care Society, UK is currenlty recruiting to their 'Environmental Sustainability Workgroup'.
We will work at driving emissons to Net Zero as an organisation and tackling the concept…
The Canadian Federation of Medical Students Health and Environment Adaptive Reponse Task Force recently released this report:
CFMS HEART: National Report on Planetary Health Education…
Here’s a very short but useful article about oxygen waste from turning the flow all the way up to the top (past 15 l/min) which is commonly done:
Arora, N. et al. 2021. Delivery of oxygen by…