The Centre's Sustainable Respiratory Care group will lead research on why the UK continues to use inhalers with a much higher carbon footprint than other European countries. 25,000 people a year die…
Update on SHE Network activities in 2011-12 - including award of HEA grant, GMC liaison, draft curriculum consultation, conference presentations and workshops, publications by SHE members. Download…
Hi All
Its not too late to join in the fun healthy activity of Walking to Work and log your miles onthe Living Streets Website.
Looking at the website 90+ NHS Organisations have signed up…
Almost all the articles and resources in the SHE Network so far have been about medical student teaching. Does anyone know what's going on in nursing courses and for the other health professions?
Two final year medical students in Oxford took part in a two-week special study module (SSM) on “Sustainable Healthcare” in 2011-12. The students each chose to focus on one of thefour dimensions of…
On the 23rd of March I was lucky to be among a group of respiratory professionals, representatives from primary care, nursing, academic and the pharmaceutical industry as we came together to discuss…
The Institute of Health Equity (IHE) is consulting on a draft report exploring actions the Health Workforce can take to positively influence the social determinants of health and tackle health…
A little while ago GlaxoSmithKline funded a joint study with the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, University of Oxford and Accenture. The outcome was a report entitled "Climate Change…
Dear SHE colleagues,The Academy of Medical Educators is putting out an online members' journal called Excellence in Medical Education.In the first (open source) edition - see below for link - there is…
Now that the much-feared medical finals are out the way, done and dusted, I have an opportunity to venture into pastures new and spend some time in the form of a Special Studies Module discovering…