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Showing 51 - 60 of 82 results

Call for Submissions: Special Issue in RCR on Sustainable Healthcare

Created on
12 Dec 2018
Cassandra Thiel
The journal Resources, Conservation and Recycling is lookingfor original papers (research, case studies, review articles) on sustainable healthcare, to be submitted before June 1, 2019. For more…

"Can a Whisper become a Roar" A call to action for the healthcare community

Created on
15 Nov 2018
James Szymankiewicz
"As clinicians we are taught to value evidence based interventions that benefit health and wellbeing. We look for the causes of disease and aim to change behaviour to improve outcomes. We have a…

Calling all Q members (Health Foundation) with a passion for sustainability

Created on
12 Sep 2018
Chantelle Rizan
Calling all sustainability friends… are you a Q member (Health Foundation)? We are pleased to announce we have just started a new Sustainability Specialist Interest group- please do join us…

World Ophthalmology Congress 2018: Masterclass in Environmental Sustainability

Created on
19 Jul 2018
Admin *
Did you know that healthcare creates 10% of the carbon emissions in the US [1] , 7% of emissions in Australia [2] and 5% of the total national emission in the UK [3] ? “If the US health care sector…

Sustainable Ophthalmic pathways - Cataract

Created on
19 Jun 2018
John Somner
A great new resource has been put together by the Royal College of Ophthalmologists on Sustainable Cataract surgery Pathways. There are lots of tips and ideas which mayresult in increased…

‘Eyefficiency’, the sustainability toolkit for catarct surgery, is entering its next phase!

Created on
14 Jun 2018
Ingeborg Steinbach
CSH has been awarded another Seeing is Believing Innovation Fund* grant for the second phase of developing a web-based audit toolkit for measuring the triple bottom line of cataract surgery. During…

Sign up to the CSH newsletter

Created on
6 Jun 2018
Admin *
We are going to be sending out a CSH newsletter next week.. If you did not resubscribe when we asked you to in May, you may not receive it (due to changesin linewith GDPR) make sure to sign up…

Sustainable Ophthalmology Prize 2018 - kindly sponsored by Bausch & Lomb

Created on
24 May 2018
John Somner
The Royal College of Ophthalmologists Sustainable Ophthalmology prize has been awarded for the third time. We had a strong field with several notable examples of sustainable care practices which can…

NHS Employers Sustainable Health and Care Campaign

Created on
27 Feb 2018
Beth Barnes
For your interest please find below an upcoming NHS sustainabilitycampaign, which has been brought to our attention at The Royal College of Ophthalmologists,with a number of events, activities and…