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Showing 51 - 60 of 164 results

Pollution, climate change and sustainable developments are the theme for the European Respiratory Society Congress 2023

Created on
30 Jul 2023
Jennifer Nixon
The European Respiratory Society has announced that the official themes for their 2023 international congress (this year held in Milan from 9-13th September) are "Pollution, climate change and…

Team Sustainability Charter

Created on
20 Jul 2023
Sandra Barber
Hi I'm keen to set up a team charter to encourage sustainability for the Health Improvement Team- NW Glasgow. To encourage buy in I feel it also has to be fun / challenge individuals as well as…

Environmental impact of disposable e-cigarettes

Created on
8 Jul 2023
Jennifer Nixon
It's plastic free July, so I thought I'd share some recent information published last month about a particularly awful piece of plastic pollution - disposable e-cigarettes/vapes. This statement…

Ideas for future sharing hours?

Created on
2 Jul 2023
Jennifer Nixon
Thank you to everyone who joined our first sharing hour on Wednesday. We had a great overview of sustainable respiratory care from Dr LJ Smith, followed by some thought-provoking questions and…

Mass General Centre for Environment & Health

Created on
27 Jun 2023
Alexander Wilkinson
The Massachusetts General Hospital have an absolutely brilliant, dynamic group working on the environment and health. They have some really interesting webinars available…

Reminder of online 'sharing hour' Wed 28th June

Created on
26 Jun 2023
Laura-Jane Smith
Please join us for the very firstRespiratory Care Sustainability Network 'sharing hour' on Wednesday 28th June 2023 15.00 - 16.00. This session will include: an overview of Sustainable…

NICE – Patient Decision Aid – Asthma inhalers and climate change

Created on
19 Jun 2023
Jacqueline Cutting
NICE have updated their Patient Decision Aid for asthma inhalers and climate change so that they now include more recent references. This decision aid will be reviewed in conjunction with the…

Clean Air Day 2023: How do we reduce the environmental impact of respiratory care?

Created on
15 Jun 2023
Sara Lemaitre
Today it's #CleanAirDay! "Every year, air pollution causes up to 36,000 deaths in the UK.  The World Health Organisation and the UK Government recognise that air pollution is the largest…

2 weeks until our first Respiratory Care Sustainability 'sharing hour'

Created on
14 Jun 2023
Jennifer Nixon
There are only 2 weeks to go until our first Respiratory Care Sustainability Network 'sharing hour'. It’s taking place online, 3-4pm, on Wednesday 28th June 2023, and will include: an overview…

Climate change insights, health and well-being report

Created on
2 Jun 2023
Jennifer Nixon
I recently came across this quarterly report from the Office for National Statistics, which I found interesting and I thought might be useful to others:…