Many of us have been involved in a quality improvement (QI) project at some point. This project is likely to have reported data and outcomes, particularly the benefits to patients. But did it mention…
Have you seen that RCSLT have a new page on their website about sustainability and the environment? Check it out (we even get a mention!)
When I think of ‘Covid’ and ‘sustainability’, I immediately think ‘PPE’. Every orange bag that gets filled with single-use aprons, visors, gloves, gowns and masks (not to mention the plastic wrapping…
As SLTs we love to highlight how important communication is.
And communication is key to climate change issues.
Do you talk about it? If so….
WHAT are you communicating?
There is a lot…
We are looking for a Paediatric SLT to join our SLTSusnet admin team as we would like to have a broader representation from across the profession. All you need is to be a SLT with some experience of…
Hello everyone! It’s always exciting to be at the forefront of positive changes, isn’t it? Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) have become the first workforce to produce a net carbonzero response in…
I often feel that, in comparison to other Allied Health Professionals, I have to work a bit harder to justify why we, as SLTs, should care about the climate and ecological crisis (CCE). OTs deal with…
The Canadian Federation of Medical Students Health and Environment Adaptive Reponse Task Force recently released this report:
CFMS HEART: National Report on Planetary Health Education…