Hi everyone!
I am a dentist taking a year out of Oral Surgery specialty training to undertake a fellowship with the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare through the HEE Yorkshire and Humber Future…
To date we have held several drop-in sessions to raise awareness with NHS staff/therapists of the business case for returns and reuse and how to establish a scheme or enhance and existing scheme. More…
The Critical Care Susnet Sharing Hour will be hosted by the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare, British Association of Critical Care Nurses and Intensive Care Society.
It is an opportunity to share…
The next paper to be discussed at the Planetary Healthcare Journal Club is Chantalle Rizan'srecent“Minimizing carbon and financial costs of steam sterilization and packaging of reusable surgical…
The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Non Sterile Disposable Glove Use is open for Pre Registration
This will support knowledge that supports…
The University of Brighton will be launching a new module in the next academic year called:
Sustainable Healthcare Principles
This module is open to all disciplines and can be taken as…
For those who missed it this conference with an excellent presentation by the awesome Caroline Hickman from the Climate Psychology Alliance on the impacts of ecodistress on children adn young people…
The American Dental Association published a My View on Sustainable Dentistry! Check it out here: https://www.ada.org/publications/ada-news/viewpoint/my-view/2022/april/my-view-sustainable-dentistry
As many of you will know, the net zero and sustainable procurement team has been working with NHS trusts across England on a range of walking-aid related pilot activities from expanding established…