Hi all, my new research below:
I have provided the link to my newresearchpublication which is also open access. Some key points below: ‘It's a constant changing environment, and we're just playing…
Greetings all,
I manage LEAF, which is a programme that aims to help labs become more sustainable. We've started a pilot of a version of LEAF for clinical labs, and wanted to just extend the offer…
Hi folks
I'm not able to make it this year, but is anyone else going? Looking through the programme I can't see much related to sustainability and wondered if anyone on this network might be…
The Faculty of Public Health are running an online Climate & Health Conference on 22Sep2022. Programme looks really good. Registration and details are available…
The University of Edinburgh are running a two-week course, in parallelwith theCOP27 conference from 7th to 22nd November 2022 on FutureLearn. It offersyouan opportunity to examine what COP27 is, why…
Abstract for MSc
This study explores healthcare professionals’ awareness and perceptions of the transition to a net zero NHS. It examines the organisational levels within the UK…
As you will appreciate, a lot of planning has gone into the formal communications approach, led by the Cabinet Office and the Royal Household, to enable us as a nation to remember Queen Elizabeth’s…
Hi Education for Sustainable Healthcare users!
You are invited to attend thePlanetary HealthcareJournalClubdiscussion onWednesday,September 21stat17:00pm BST (12:00pm EST)viaZoom.
It's a…
Hi Dental Susnet users!
You are invited to attend thePlanetary HealthcareJournalClubdiscussion onWednesday,September 21stat17:00pm BST (12:00pm EST)viaZoom.
It's a chance for us to get together…