
CTM UHB/CSH Intensive Sustainable Innovation Group Scholar Programme - Summary Report 2022/23

Ben Whittaker
Ben Whittaker • 27 November 2023

The Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board and Centre for Sustainable Healthcare Intensive Sustainable Innovation Group Scholar Programme saw six scholars each delivering a sustainable healthcare project over a condensed period of six months. 

The scholars came from a variety of settings, including surgery, primary care pharmacy, community paediatrics, medicine, catering and the Regional Innovation and Coordination Hub.  A wide variety of projects were embarked upon: 

  • Sustainability of Inhaler use in Primary Care
  • Healthy and Sustainable School Travel – Actions for Zero-carbon eco-healthy schools
  • Repurposing NHS Cardboard Packaging into Pet Bedding in partnership with a local social enterprise company
  • Quantifying food-waste in patient feeding in an acute setting and identifying opportunities for reduction
  • Making Connections to improve Climate Resilience for Health
  • Office Based Biopsy Clinic

Individual case study reports from each project can be found here

In total, the projects worked towards each of CSH’s four principles of sustainable healthcare: prevention, patient/public empowerment, lean pathways and low carbon treatment alternatives.

This report gives a summary of each project and learning from the programme. The main strengths of the programme have focussed on contributions from the front line to the evidence base for environmentally and socially sustainable healthcare services and accelerating innovation/adoption of sustainable practices in healthcare.  

The condensed programme reduced the amount of time that scholars had to take their change proposals through to delivery.  There was commitment by the scholars to complete a full PDSA cycle and to share their learning.

Resource author(s)
Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board and Centre for Sustainable Healthcare
Resource publishing organisation(s) or journal
Centre for Sustainable Healthcare
Resource publication date
July 2023

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