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US Development of Curriculum Requirements Inquiry

Created on
19 Aug 2024
Jennifer Lee
I've been working in the sustainable dental education space and have been asked to propose some competency statements that can apply to all dental school graduates. I believe that these exist in…

Carbon intensity of medicines...

Created on
17 Aug 2024
Gerry Lowe
Hi Does anyone know of a list of the carbon emissions per unit dose of some drugs and related items, please? Specifically the following... Hartmann’s fluid, 0.5% bupivacaine (“heavy” – so with…

Publishing SusQI Projects

Created on
16 Aug 2024
Genevieve Southgate
Good Morning, Has anyone experience/suggestions on where to publish SusQI Projects in peer-reviewed journals? I will be publishing an SOP for reuse of inhalers and results of our intervention, and…

PhD in good practices in sustainable procurement of medicines in the NHS

Created on
14 Aug 2024
Minna Eii
Dear all, I am a practicing pharmacist undertaking a PhD study at the University of Huddersfield, and I would appreciate your help. My research aims to inform the development of good practice…

Climate Justice and Migrant Justice

Created on
13 Aug 2024
Kerry Atchison
The past few weeks have seen scenes of painful unrest in the UK, in terms of racism, Islamophobia and the continued demonisation and persecution of people seeking asylum in this country. Amidst the…

Healthcare Facilities Management Conference-Waste and Carbon Net Zero Stream

Created on
13 Aug 2024
David Nicholls
We are proud to announce that the final funded(free) places for the conference Healthcare Facilities Management, taking place on the 10th of September 2024, at The National Conference Centre in…

Healthcare Facilities Management Conference-Waste and Carbon Net Zero Stream

Created on
13 Aug 2024
David Nicholls
We are proud to announce that the final funded(free) places for the conference Healthcare Facilities Management, taking place on the 10th of September 2024, at The National Conference Centre in…

Substantial funding opportunities for green projects

Created on
12 Aug 2024
James Warham
For anyone involved in Climate Action Projects - you may be working with a group/charity etc needing to…

Request to Physiotherapists to take part in an international study on environmental considerations in managing chronic spinal pain conditions

Created on
12 Aug 2024
Lucy Brown
The Haute Ecole de Sante Vaud are conducting a modified Delphi method project led by Prof. Emmanuelle Opsommer (HESAV / HES-SO). The aim of the study is to provide statements reflecting…

International Congress for Nursing - Call for abstracts

Created on
12 Aug 2024
Lucy Brown
The International Council of Nurses (ICN) today launched itsCall for Abstractsfor the ICN Congress 2025 in Helsinki, Finland.Abstracts for an oral or e-poster presentation can be submittedfrom 2…