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Single-use Medical Devices - rubbish or re-process?

Created on
11 Jul 2011
Mark Scarfe
Why single-use devices? In the not too distant past medical devices were re-usable. Their design, shape, size and materials used (glass, metal and rubber) were easy to clean and sterilise. However,…

Health benefits of greenspace quantified!

Created on
11 Jul 2011
Rachel Stancliffe
The UK National Ecosystems Assessment has just produced a report which highlights the ‘hidden value’ of nature and has produced economic benefits onto various aspects of the natural environment.…

Introducing - Andrea MacNeill

Created on
5 Jul 2011
Mark Scarfe
Andrea MacNeill, Principle Investigator, Green-Op Andrea is surgical resident from Canada and is currently working towards an MSc in Environmental Change & Management at the University of Oxford. As…

Welcome to the Sustainable Commissioning Network!

Created on
5 Jul 2011
Rachel Stancliffe
Thanks for joining this small, multi-disciplinary group of clinicians, commissioners and thought leaders. We are developing a resource to help Commissioning teamsto use sustainability thinking to…

Welcome to the Sustainable Operating Network

Created on
28 Jun 2011
Mark Scarfe
Following in the footsteps of Green Nephology and the other successful speciality programmes, SusOp has grand plans for the transformation of one of the most energy and carbon intensive aspects of…

Green Nephrology Survey shows Local Reps active in renal centres

Created on
16 Mar 2011
Admin *
The 2010 survey of Green Nephrology Local Representatives has revealed a range of local action under way, with cross-pollination of ideas from one renal centre to another. The survey identified a need…

prion transfer

Created on
25 Feb 2011
Frances Mortimer
do we need to throw everything away in case of infection?