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Value and Carbon in Respiratory Care

Created on
13 Mar 2012
Toby Hillman
Value is a concept which is making waves in the management / leadership / policy world of medicine at the moment. It is not an entirely new concept, but has been worked on and promoted as an approach…

NHS Sustainability Day- March 28th

Created on
12 Mar 2012
Sally Aston

Climate Week 12th-18th March

Created on
8 Mar 2012
Sally Aston
It's Climate Week next week. Find out more at This is deemed Britains biggest climate change campaign; inspiring a new wave of action towards a Sustainable future. Has…

Should World Kidney Day be every day?

Created on
8 Mar 2012
Frances Mortimer
Happy World Kidney Day! A day for raising the importance of healthy kidneys everywhere. A moment to stop and thank our own kidneys - and make sure we are doing our best to look after…

Climate Week: Whittington Hospital Green Ward Competition

Created on
7 Mar 2012
Frances Mortimer
"How can we involve clinical departments in our Climate Week?" wondered the team at Whittington Hospital, which has been setting up a series of green events for 12-16 March 2012. The answer: a Green…

healthy eating for a healthy planet

Created on
27 Feb 2012
Sally Aston
The WWF (World Wildlife Fund) has come up with 5 key tips for healthy eating which is good for the planet at Eat more…

Drugs on tap- the hidden enivronmental impact of prescription drugs

Created on
27 Feb 2012
Christelle Blunden
How our day-to-day prescribing habits impact the ecosystem- more incentives to reduce unecessary prescribing; anyone know…

How to consider carbon through procurement

Created on
26 Feb 2012
Christelle Blunden
So, the largest part of the NHS carbon footprint is procurement- how do we as GPs make a difference to that? Here are some clues..Department of Health guidance- 'Procuring for Carbon…

Green Home HD

Created on
16 Feb 2012
Gerry Boyle
Hi, We're looking into how green we can make our home dialysis installations as green as possible and whether we can attract grants, Government or Local Council, to progress this. Has anyone looked…

The NHS Forest Tree Sponsorship Scheme hits 100 Sites

Created on
7 Feb 2012
Ingeborg Steinbach
On the 24th January the NHS Forest launched the Tree Sponsorship Scheme at Guy's Hospital in London. Sponsoring a tree for your preferred hospital means that you can say thank you, celebrate a birth…